Children's Voice
Pupil Representatives across High View
Each year, the children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 elect their own School Council Representatives, Eco Warriors and House Captains. Each class has two representatives, who serve for the entire academic year.
When in year 5/6, children have the opportunity to become Play Leaders who receive training by an outside tutor in how they can support their younger peers in games which can be played on our playground. The aim of Play Leader Ambassadors is to encourage activity and fun in a structured way particularly at lunchtime.
School Council:
At High View, we have a smart school council which means every child in our school has a voice which is listened to. We have different committees for different projects, representatives from each committee meet on a regular basis to discuss various matters linked to school life and share their ideas as well as the ideas of their peers. The children are also often involved and attend our Children's Youth Council meetings with local councillors at the Council Chambers.
Equally, the children are encouraged to become involved in community projects where possible.
House Captains:
Each year, our Year 5/6 children (who would like to be House Captains), make a speech to say why they think they should be chosen to represent their house. Then after hearing some fantastic speeches, all of the children from KS1 and KS2 have the opportunity to vote for the new year’s house captains.
Eco Warriors:
Our Eco Warriors help to care for our school environment: they help others to follow our eco-code, monitor our energy use in the school and encourage teachers and children to recycle. Even simple things like being the light monitor ensure we are not using energy unnecessarily. Our Eco Warriors will also take part in discussions and votes and feedback any relevant information to their class.
Play Leaders:
At High View, we encourage children to develop as individuals. One of the ways we try to encourage this is a ‘Play Leading Scheme’. The scheme promotes children’s well-being, abilities, social skills and team work. It also encourages the older children to organize games for the younger children, it promotes the children’s organization, communication and responsibility skills and most importantly they all have fun! Our Play Leaders meet on a regular basis with the year 5/6 teachers to discuss new games and play equipment and questions that the children want to ask.